Friday, 27 May 2011

Tablet PC will drive global PC sales growth this year, 13%


- According to foreign media reports, market research company IC Insights expects worldwide PC shipments will grow 13% over last year, including tablet PC in the media.

- IC Insights said that global laptop battery PC shipments last year, compared with 19% growth last year, another PC in the developing countries benefit from the rapid growth of sales and consumers favor of flat-panel touch-screen computers, global PC shipments this year will grow to 402 million units. The market research firm recently released the 2011 Integrated Circuit Market Drivers report that this year, as the representative of the Apple iPad tablet laptop battery PC sales are expected to grow by more than 190%, reaching 49 million units.

- Other market research firm put the Android-based media iPad tablet computer as different types of consumer electronic products to be treated. IHS iSuppli market research firm said earlier this week, in the first quarter of the global PC sales have fallen year on year, partly due to consumer interest in turning the tablet PC product.

- IC Insights said, thanks to the rise of Tablet laptop battery PC and notebook computer sales growth of 14% is expected this year, portable PC shipments worldwide will grow 23%, to 2.5 million units last year, the increase of 30%. Expected global shipments of portable PC shipments in the PC will be the proportion of 62% share, last year the ratio was 58% in 2005 compared to just 31%.]

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Friday, 6 May 2011

Sony news that hackers will launch the third round of attacks on the network

According to foreign media reported recently that some hackers claimed that Sony's PlayStation Network will launch the third round of attacks.

Informed sources, the hackers may be on the Sony website this weekend to launch a new round of attacks. Sources said the hackers involved in the project will be announced from the Sony server replication part of the information, including user names, credit card numbers, addresses, and so on. Hackers claim they can now access part of the Sony servers.

If this is successful, it will be the Sony servers suffered since last month yet another security attacks. FBI, Justice Department, Congress, New York's Procuratorate, and data privacy protection agencies and other departments are currently involved in the investigation of the incident as Kohjinsha laptop battery, Toshiba laptop battery, Sony laptop battery,


A few weeks ago, hackers Anonymous on other sites, including and launched a distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, in retaliation for the prosecution of hackers Sony George • Hodes (George Hotz) behavior. Two weeks ago, Sony's PlayStation Network, Qriocity services, and Sony Online to become targets of hackers, more than 100 million Ming Suoni personal information leakage. Sony was forced to shut down PSN, Qriocity and Sony Online. Sony fixes security vulnerabilities in the server, the site has resumed operations.

Sony says to launch the attack without the knowledge behind the controller, but the company hinted Anonymous hackers may participate. Sony Computer Entertainment president Kazuo Kirai said to the congressional subcommittee that hackers had installed in the invasion of the company server called "Anonymous" in the file.

Anonymous issued a statement yesterday, refused to recognize the participation in the attack on the PSN. The organization said in a statement, "We are decentralized organization, our leadership can not tolerate the behavior of credit card theft."

Analysis that the same hackers will be possible to launch a new round of the Sony PSN server attacks.

Sony has been no comment on this news.

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